WebdriverIO — Upload file on a hidden input
I created a post last week showing you how to upload a file in WebdriverIO.
However, one thing I didn’t cover is how to upload a file when the input element is hidden which is the case in most modern websites.
Let’s take a look at an example of how we can address that. I’m using online2pdf as our test site for this example.
Note: for this test site, the parent div containing the input was hidden so in order to make it interactable I had to make it visible for WebdriverIO by using browser.execute
command (see code below).
const path = require('path');describe('Upload File Hidden Input', () => {
it('should be able to upload a file on hidden input', () => {
// find your selectors
const inputDiv = $('#div_file_box0');
const input = $('#input_file0');
const submitBtn = $('.convert_button'); // store test file path
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, '../data/chrome.png'); // use browser.uploadFile to upload the test file
const remoteFilePath = browser.uploadFile(filePath); // access the test page
browser.url('https://online2pdf.com/'); // change display to block from none for the hidden div
browser.execute(function () {
document.getElementById('div_file_box0').style.display = 'block';
}); // wait for div to be displayed
inputDiv.waitForDisplayed(); // set file path value in the input field
submitBtn.click(); // click the submit button // temporary pause to see if the file got upload successfully
browser.pause(5000); // Add your assertion here
💎 This code is also available on GitHub for you to access and play around with.
Check out this video to see a detailed explanation of the code above:
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